Dr. Yenba Sing
Dr. Yenba Sing was born and raised in Southern California. She receivedher Bachelors of Science in Biology from the University of Califorinia,Irvine as well as her Masters in Public Health from California StateUniversity of Long Beach. Leaving California for the first time, sheattended Midwestern University in Arizona and received her Doctorate ofDental Medicine in 2013. She moved to Portland, Oregon where she practicedfor 5 years prior to moving back to California to be closer to her family.Dr. Sing has enjoyed being back in California and making it her new home.She is active in local dental organizations, as Secretary for the NorthernCalifornia Academy of General Dentistry and as a board member for the SanMateo County Dental Society.Dr. Sing loves working with her hands and is an avid crafter and creator,preferring to make things herself instead of buying from the store. Thisincludes sewing laptop protectors and baby supplies, knitting hats anddresses, crocheting little stuffed animals, and baking pastries. As such,she finds herself very lucky to be a dentist, because it gives her theability to create something beautiful every day.Family is important to Dr. Sing and she enjoys spending time with her 3year old son and 1 year old daughter. She and her husband are also avidfootball fans and have made the goal of visiting every single stadium inthe United States, and possibly London and Mexico as well. She enjoystraveling and loves visiting cities to taste their culinary treasures.In the words of Dr. Yenba Sing:“My dental philosophy is simple. I am your biggest advocate and I am hereto help you make informed decisions and provide you with the best clinicalcare by always learning and improving my skills.”
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